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Global Net Studio | Universal Terms, Legal Agreements and Policies:
Universal Terms, Legal Agreements and Policies:
Please read this universal terms of service agreement carefully, as it contains important information regarding your legal rights and remedies.

These universal terms are established by the companies "Global Net Studio S, de R.L. de C.V." in Mexico and by "Global Net Studio, LLC." in the United States and may change without notice.

In this agreement the companies "Global Net Studio, S. de R.L. de C.V" and "Global Net Studio, LLC." are known as "Global Net Studio", "we", "us" and "our". The customer is referred as "user", "client" or "customer".

This agreement establishes our general terms and conditions of use for all our products and services (acknowledge on this agreement as "Services") available for the customer.

When hiring any of our products or services the customer accepts and recognizes each one of these general terms and conditions of use. In case of non-acceptance the customer is not authorized to use or hire any of our products or services.

To consult our privacy statement, please visit:www.globalnetstudio.com/privacy/

0.0 - Knowledge information.

0.1 - Our services are available to everyone regardless the area or country as long it's not illegal, prohibited, racist, offensive or defamatory.

0.2 - All the information the customer exhibits on their webpage about their company such as products, services, plans, developments, images, features, projects, ideas or any contact reference it is because the customer accepts that the mentioned above can be submitted and exposed on a public way.

0.3 - The customer is the only and exclusive owner of all the information published on its website. The customer recognizes to have all legal rights, permissions or patents to use all the information, images, titles, logos or any other kind of content.

0.4 - Global Net Studio does not take any responsibility that the customer may acquire in any legal or court matter for abusing any copyright or for the unauthorized use of any kind of information, images, logos, videos, or any other type of content.

0.5 - The average time of development for a complete webpage which includes design and programing is between 12 to 19 labor days (weekends, days off for official celebration of any kind and dates mandatory not to be labor by the authorities shall not be considered as labor days). In case the customer extends the delivery time of the materials such as images, texts, videos, or any other content that the website will have, the development time will prolong depending on how long it took the customer to provide all the information.

0.6 - To be able to hire our service for the development of the webpage the customer must fill out an application form through our webpage (www.globalnetstudio.com) according with the selected plan the customer wishes to work, which needs to be authorized and approved by our hiring department before the customer makes any payment.

0.7 - Our office hours are from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 2 PM and from 4 PM to 7 PM, Central time - Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey (except for holidays).

0.8 - The customer will be able to contact us through our phone numbers, email accounts or through our online chat system within our office hours.

0.9 - When hiring our services an account executive will be assigned to the customer which will work as the main contact during and following the development of the webpage.

0.10 - The brand "Global Net Studio" is a trademark registered in Mexico and in the United States by the companies "Global Net Studio, S. de R.L. de C.V." and "Global Net Studio, LLC.". It is totally prohibited the use or distribution of the brand without a written authorization signed by both parties.

0.11 - For any legal matter, notification or subpoena either in Mexico, in the United States or any other country, the customer can only proceed legally in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico for a resolution.

1.0 - Consent.

1.1 - Each one of our services are owned and managed by Global Net Studio's staff.

1.2 - Global Net Studio reserves all rights to make any changes, modifications or to eliminate entirely or partially to any of the current terms and use conditions without any previous notice.

1.3 - It is the customer responsibility to be updated with these terms and conditions of use for as long as they have their service active.

1.4 - When hiring our service, the customer accepts and recognizes each one of these terms and conditions, at the same time he acknowledges that all the information provided about his account is current, authentic and complete.

1.5 - If the information provided by the customer is false, illegal or incomplete "Global Net Studio" reserves the right to cancel the service with the reservation to notify the customer of such situation and without any possibility of a refund of any kind.

2.0 - Products and Services.

2.1 - Global Net Studio offers a variety of marketing services through the Internet, each of these services offered are independent and can be acquired on a separate way.

2.2 - Only with certain services or extra functions added to the customers webpage the customer can decide either to pay that service in a single payment or through a monthly fee.

2.3 - The web design that Global Net Studio offers to the customer is 100% original and developed from scratch, our designers do not use templates of any kind, or predesigned sketches already developed or pre-build from other webpages. All the tones, designs and colors are based on the logo and the identity of the customers company.

2.4 - Our design area takes between 5 to 8 labor days to be able to present the customer the different design proposals developed, starting with the delivery of the logo by the customer (the number of proposals to be shown to the customer depends on the type of plan hired with Global Net Studio).

2.5 - The customer will be able to choose one of the proposal designs or combine them until the design satisfies the customer 100%. In case that the customer does not like the proposals, a new proposal can be developed free of charge.

2.6 - Once the design proposal is accepted, the customer must notify with an e-mail to their assigned account executive authorizing the design and accepting the start of the filling of the contents of each section of their webpage.

2.7 - Our programming area takes an average between 6 to 10 working days (Monday to Friday, except Holidays) to make the webpage go live.

2.8 - Our programming area will not start the development of the webpage if:

2.8.1 - The customer has not send the written authorization by email approving the design of the webpage.

2.8.2 - The customer has not send the information that will be published.

2.9 - If the delivery of the sub-points 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 is delayed, the due date for the development of the website will be extended indefinably depending on the amount of projects which are in "queue" during this period of time.

2.10 - Global Net Studio reserves all rights to change, modify, edit, or eliminate in a partial or a complete way any type of information, products, services, offers, images, news, texts or any other kind of content which the client may have published in their webpage without any previous notice or notification of such change.

2.11 - When a webpage is being developed, our programming area will structure a basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for the webpage so that with time it can gain a better position in the natural SEO.

2.12 - Global Net Studio offers extra services on a separate way as follows:

2.12.1 - Development of basic or advanced webpages with self-administrative functions.

2.12.2 - Translation for all the content that the webpage has to one or several languages. This service can be acquired only with a single payment.

2.12.3 - Hosting with unlimited traffic and storage capacity. For our plans "Platinum", "Gold", and "Diamond" our Hosting is free, for our "Online Store" it has a single life time payment.

2.12.5 - Development, advice and management of campaigns for Google AdWords, Yahoo, YouTube, Twitter or Facebook.

2.12.6 - Massive publicity campaigns through e-mail marketing.

2.12.7 - Development for an advanced SEO structure for the website.

2.12.8 - Copyright, patents and trademark registration.

2.12.9 - Free and paid webinars about social media, how to use the internet, using Microsoft Excel, and a lot more.

2.13 - It is the customers responsibility to have legally protected all the copyrights of the contents of their webpage such as texts, images, ideas, news, videos, offers and any other content which can be stolen. Global Net Studio has alliances with different buffets so that the customer can get a discount and protect the information of the webpage.

3.0 - Plans, Costs and Extras.

3.1 - Global Net Studio will have the ability of subcontracting third party companies or service providers for the development of certain services.

3.2 - In case that Global Net Studio hires a service with a third party company, Global Net Studio will supervise on a direct way that the service will be made completely and that it will be delivered with a high quality full filling all the requirements in our contracts.

3.3 - Each of our services and plans have independent features, functions and prices. The customer may consult with the account executive the specifics for each one.

3.4 - For the customer to be able to hire any of our services all terms and conditions on the point number 4.0 "Hiring our Services" must be followed.

3.5 - Global Net Studio offers four different types of plans which are adapted to specific needs and requirements.

3.6 - Each one of our plans includes a free domain with the extension (.com), (.net), (.org), (.us), (.ca) and (.com.mx). In case that the customer wants a different domain extension, Global Net Studio can only cover up to $20.00 U.S. Dollars as maximum, the rest must be covered by the customer.

3.7 - Our Hosting for each one of our plans includes unlimited traffic (bandwidth) and also includes unlimited storage capacity.

3.8 - Next we break down on detail each one of our plans:

3.8.1 - Plan "Platinum".
Forced term: No
Pages: 2Design proposals: 2
Available languages: 1
Monthly updates: 3
Email accounts: 2Admin panel: Not available

3.8.2 - Plan "Gold".
Forced term: No
Pages: 3Design proposals: 2
Available languages: 1
Monthly updates: 5
Email accounts: 5Admin panel: Not available

3.8.3 - Plan "Diamond".Forced term: No
Pages: 5Design proposals: 3
Available languages: 2
Monthly updates: 5
Email accounts: UnlimitedAdmin panel: Available

3.8.4 - Plan "e-Commerce".Forced term: 12 months
Pages: 3Design proposals: 2
Available languages: 1Monthly updates: 5
Email accounts: UnlimitedAdmin panel: Available
e-Commerce linked in real time with inventoryShopping cart linked with PayPal

3.9 - The number of monthly changes allowed in the design of the webpage per each plan is not accumulative. In case of needing more changes, these will have an extra cost which the customer must authorize before we can proceed.

3.10 - Our four plans include external statistics, these show how many people, from where, when and which pages or sections are the ones most viewed within the webpage.

3.11 - In case that the customer requires an extra page or function for any of our plans, the extra cost of each one will be added to the monthly fee of the selected plan.

3.12 - Extra functions that can be integrated in the webpage:

Extra functions for plans: "Platinum", "Gold", and "Diamond" and "Online Store".
Additional page (Non manageable).Additional page (manageable).
-Online chat (unlimited operators and departments).Virtual digital magazine.
Opt-In Newsletter (function).Additional language.
Blog (manageable).Categories and subcategories (manageable).
Estimate of orders.Floating submenu.
Carousel of images (Non manageable).Carousel of images (manageable).
Function: Order products by rules.Function: Products filtration.
Function: Product searcher.Function: Product comparison.
Function: Customers reviews in products.Function: Shipping selection.
Function: Recommend products.Function: Videos for products.
Function: Discount for products.Function: Product classification.
Function: Account signup for customers.Function: Export reports.
Linking "e-Commerce" in real time with inventory.Function: Multilevel of users.
Massive import of products.Massive import of images.

3.13 - The customer must ask to the account executive for the updated list which includes all extra functions with their actual cost.

3.14 - Any extra function that the customer wishes to acquire may be added and developed to the webpage since the moment of hiring our service or once the website is online.

3.15 - In case that the customer requires several functions, modules or extra pages, these could be added to the monthly fee as long as the sum of the total amount of the extras shall not surpass the base amount of the selected plan. In case it surpasses the base amount of the selected plan, some extras shall be covered with a single payment.

4.0 - Hiring Our Services.

4.1 - The customer can hire any of our products or services only through our webpage.

4.2 - The specific amount of taxes for each country will be added to the total amount when hiring our products or services.

4.3 - The currency that will be used when hiring any of our products or services will depend directly on the country where the customer is located ("Mexico" or "United States"), for the rest of the world it can only be U.S. Dollars.

4.4 - The customer will receive an invoice and a receipt for each payment made which will be able to download through the customers panel or through the notification sent in an email.

4.5 - The forms of payment can only be the following:

4.5.1 - For United States:
- Bank deposit.
- Wire transfer.
-Credit or Debit Card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express).
- PayPal.

4.5.2 - For Mexico:
- Bank deposit.
- Wire transfer.
-Credit or Debit Card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express).
- At Oxxo Stores
- At 7-Eleven Store

4.5.3 - For rest of the World:
-Wire transfer.
- Credit or Debit Card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express).

4.6 - In order to acquire any of our products or services, the customer first must fill out a "Hiring Application Form" through our "Plans" page with the selected plan.

4.7 - When filling the "Hiring Application Form" it is necessary to provide certain personal and business information which will only and exclusively be used by our administrative area for business purposes and quality service.

4.8 - Global Net Studio reserves the rights to sale any service to companies or business which have already been approved by our administrative area and to refuse to those companies or business which do not full fill our requirements.

4.9 - In case of been authorized the "Hiring Application Form" made by the customer, our system will send an automatic email which includes the available payment options in that country, in the meantime the account executive will contact the customer to explain the following steps that need to be done.

4.10 - By filling out our "Hiring Application Form" the customer will generate automatically an individual account, through this it will be able to manage the webpage, email accounts, payment history, invoices, statistics and all available functions in the customers panel.

4.11 - For our customers in Mexico the account executive will send three contracts to the customer: "Confidentiality", "Copyright Registry" and "Buy-Sell Agreement" which will not replace any of the requirements in these "Universal Terms". In case that the customer does not sign any of these three contracts it will still be under the ruling of each one of these "Universal Terms" and "Legal Agreement" without any exception.

4.12 - For our customers in Mexico, in case that the customers "Hiring Application Form" has been authorized, it is necessary to do the following steps: (1) Print, sign, scan and send by email the three contracts "Confidentiality", "Copyright Register" and "Buy-Sell Agreement" to its personal account executive. (2) Send a copy of the receipt for the first monthly payment to the email account: billing@globalnetstudio.com

4.13 - For our customers in the United States and the rest of the World, in case that the customers "Hiring Application Form" has been authorized, it is only necessary to pay the first monthly fee of the service and send a copy of the receipt to the email account: billing@globalnetstudio.com

4.14 - In case that the customer may have been reached by one of our distributors it is important to take in consideration the following:

(1) Verify the distributor authenticity through our official webpage.
(2) Under no circumstances may the distributor receive any kind of payment (either partial or full amount) for the development of the webpage or for hiring any other of our products or services.
(3) Only for Mexico, the distributor is allowed to provide the three contracts to the customer, the delivery of the signed contracts must be made as it is mentioned on the previous point #4.12. (The distributor is not allowed to sign contracts).
(4) Once the customer has paid the first monthly fee of serve, the distributor shall be released of all responsibilities. The entire relationship will be between the customer and the supplier "Global Net Studio".

4.15 - Our first three plans "Platinum", "Gold" and "Diamond" do not have a forced term period. As long as the customer requires the service with all the benefits and advantages that our plan includes, the payment for the monthly fee must be done on the assigned due date. For our plan "Online Store" there is a forced term period of 8 months. After this period, the customer may decide to keep the service up and active or to cancel it.

4.16 - For our first three plans "Platinum", "Gold", and "Diamond" the customer may cancel our service at any time, (for our "e-Commerce" plan it must be after 12 active-months of forced term period) without any penalties or fines of any type as long as the customer's account does not have any delayed or pending payments. On point 6.0 "Service Cancelation" shows on detail all terms, statements and requirements the customer must follow in order to cancel the service.

4.17 - The Hosting for all of our plans is 100% free of charge, as long as the subscription remains active.

4.18 - In case the customer wants to migrate their actual plan, the "basic" monthly fee of the plan will be updated to the cost of the new plan. In case that the customer's webpage had any extras, these will be added to the new monthly fee amount.

4.19 - The customer can only migrate to a higher plan.

4.20 - The property of the domain name is only and exclusively of the customer. The customer defines under what name and address the domain name must be registered.

4.21 - If the customer does not have any pending payments and cancels the service, Global Net Studio will release the domain name to the customer which will now have the obligation to renew it annually in order to keep it registered. In case that the customer decides not to renew the domain name it will become available for the general public.

4.22 - The customer may remove from Global Net Studio the management of the domain name without any cost whenever desired as long as the domain name is still active. In case that the domain name has expired and is still available for renewal, the customer shall pay an extra fee additional to the normal cost for renewing the domain name. If the domain name has completely expired and it is not available anymore for renewal, the customer will have to wait for it to become public again.

4.23 - The due dates for the monthly payments are the 1st or the 15th of the current month depending on which date the customer hired our service. If the hiring was made between the 23nd day of the current month and the 8th day of the following month, the due date assigned will be on the 1st day of every month from that moment on. If the hiring was made between the 9th and the 22nd day of the same month, the due date will be on the 15th of every month from that moment on.

4.24 - The monthly amount will never change on time unless the customer authorizes to add and develop new extras to the webpage.

4.25 - The system will automatically notify the customer by email each time a new invoice has been generated. The customer will be able to download the invoice directly from the email notification or through their customer panel area.

4.26 - The system will automatically send a reminder to the customer by email 7 days prior and seven days after the due date of the month. Our system will stop sending notifications once the monthly payment has been received.

4.27 - In case that the monthly payment has not been received one week after the due date, and the customer did not request an extension for it, the system will automatically suspend the webpage and all email accounts generating an extra fee of 30% of the monthly payment for the reconnection of the services.

4.28 - The customer may request up to three extensions for the due date of the payment over a maximum period of six months and considering that such extensions shall not exceed fifteen days.

4.29 - Once the system has suspended automatically the webpage and all email accounts, the customer will receive immediately an email regarding the new amount which includes the extra fees for the reconnection of the services.

4.30 - If the webpage gets suspended and disconnected automatically by our system due to the lack of payment it could affect in a partial or a total way the real and natural SEO of the webpage in a temporal or a permanent way. Global Net Studio takes no responsibility at all in case this scenario happens.

4.31 - If the emails get suspended and disconnected automatically by our system due to the lack of payment the customer will not able to send or receive any more email messages through any device until the service is reconnected.

4.32 - In case that the monthly payment was not received after a period of 10 weeks since the first due date, the service will be finished, eliminating in a full way the entire webpage and all email accounts or other communications linked to the account that could or may be stored.

4.33 - It is the customer's duty to notify our billing department with an email message to the account: billing@globalnetstudio.com after a monthly payment has been paid. (In case that the customer does not notify or does not send the receipt it could be considered as a non-made payment generating the extra fee for the reconnection of the services).

4.34 - The customer may be able to deduct up to 100% of the monthly "base" of the plan with our program "Discount Referral". The monthly "base" is the amount of the plan without any extra functions or pages.

4.35 - With the program "Discount Referral" the customer will receive 10% of discount to the monthly payment for each customer referred that acquires one of our plans.

4.36 - The discount will remain active for as long as the referred customer maintains the service active. In case that one of the referred customers cancels the services, the customer will lose that 10% of discount.

4.37 - Our Google AdWords service can only be acquired with a single payment.

4.38 - Our Google AdWords service includes: the creation of the campaign, such as texts, keywords, link between the campaign and the webpage, management for one month and a study of low-cost keywords.

4.39 - The customer will have full access to the campaign where it will be able to assign a certain amount to invest on a daily basis with the specific dates for the campaign.

4.40 - Our staff will help, assist, and train the customer on how to manage the campaign with all the functions involved once it is complete and ready to be published.

4.41 - For the webpage to be developed in two languages which are included on our "Diamond" plan, the customer must send an email to the account executive before the programming of the webpage begins authorizing the second language.

4.42 - In case that the customer does not notify the account executive on time, the webpage will not include the second language unless the customer accepts to add it as an extra cost to the service.

4.43 - In case that the webpage is developed in two or more languages, the customer must send to the account executive all text and image materials previously translated to each language. Our plan does not include the translation of the text materials or any other type of content that the webpage may have.

4.44 - In case that the customer is not able to provide all text materials translated to each language, it will have the possibility to hire our service for translation by our university professors to obtain a preferential rate.

4.45 - Global Net Studio offers its customers as an extra and independent service through different law firms the trademark and copyright registration for: text content and images. For hiring this service the customer must contact the account executive.

4.46 - Any extra page or function that has been added to the customer's webpage or management system, can only be removed from the monthly payment after a period of 18 months.

4.47 - For Mexico, in case that there is doubt or disagreement regarding an amount billed, the customer must send an email with all details of the charge to the email account contabilidad@globalnetstudio.com

4.48 - For the United States and the Rest of the World, in case that there is doubt or disagreement regarding an amount billed, the customer must send an email with all details of the charge to the email account billing@globalnetstudio.com

5.0 - Hosting and Email Accounts.

5.1 - Our Hosting has the following characteristics:

5.1.1 - Unlimited storage capacity, which means that the webpage may have all pictures, texts, products, services, images, videos and any other kind of content that the customer requires to publish.

5.1.2 - Unlimited bandwidth capacity, which means that the webpage may have at the same time 10,000 visitors and it will still run and function correctly without affecting the webpage nor the email accounts.

5.2 - Global Net Studio guarantees that the Hosting will be online and running without any trouble 99.99% of real time.

5.3 - The customer will not have any kind of access to cPanel, MySQL Database or any other available function unless it acquires the webpage in a single payment instead of the monthly payments program.

5.4 - Global Net Studio takes no responsibility in a direct or an indirect way in case of a partial or a total failure, programmed maintenance, emergency maintenance, system update or any other kind of interruption of the service which could affect in a partial or total way the customers operation, business, communication or to a third party associated to the customer.

5.5 - In case of a temporary or a partial failure or service interruption that may have affected the functions of the customers webpage or email accounts, the customer may ask for a compensation to Global Net Studio which can only be paid with a free period of time depending on the amount of time on which the service was affected.

5.6 - It is the customer's full responsibility to create and save backups of all email accounts and messages with a computer in a regular basis.

5.7 - In case that the customer loses a part or all messages due to the purchase of a new computer, maintenance of the current computer or for any other reason, Global Net Studio may be able to make a full restore of all email accounts with only the latest backup generated by the server which its done every Sunday at 12 AM.

5.8 - The time that may take to load the complete webpage for the visitor will depend directly on how much content the website has, the location of the visitor and the capacity for download of their Internet.

5.9 - The customer can manage (create, edit or delete) in real time all email accounts with their passwords directly in customers panel.

5.10 - Each of our plans contain a different number of email accounts available to be managed and used. The customer may only be able to create and use the number of email accounts according to the chosen plan.

5.11 - Email accounts may be used through a third party program such as Outlook, Mail, Thunderbird or any other platform that supports the use of emails, also may be used through a web browser supported with any device connected to Internet.

5.12 - It is strictly forbidden to send bulk emails (SPAM) regardless of the message to a portfolio of customers, prospects, subscribers or suppliers. If the customer sends "SPAM" as an accident and it is the first time that happens, the email account that sent bulk emails will be suspended until further investigation is completed.

5.13 - If the IP gets blocked in "SPAM" blacklists as a result of the accident, the customer must cover $150 USD for the replacement of a new and clean IP. If the IP does not get blocked in blacklists, it will not generate any extra charges, penalties or fines to the customer.

5.14 - For the release and reactivation of all suspended email accounts due to the massive sending of "SPAM", it is necessary for the customer to print and sign a consent letter in which understands all risks.

5.15 - If our system detects that the customer tried to send bulk emails "SPAM" for the second time regardless of the message to a portfolio of customers, prospects, subscribers or suppliers, all email accounts will be temporary suspended until the customer pays an administrative fine based on the damage taken or the cancellation of the service will be considered without any possibility of reimbursement.

5.16 - For our customers in Mexico: if one of the email accounts sends bulk emails "SPAM" without the customers consent due to a virus in one of their devices, the system will temporary suspend that email account until the customer pays an administrative fine of $350 Pesos + Tax.

5.17 - For our customers in United States and rest of the world: if one of the email accounts sends bulk emails "SPAM" without the customers consent due to a virus in one of their devices, the system will temporary suspend that email account until the customer pays an administrative fine of $35 USD.

5.18 - For both cases, whether the customer sent bulk emails "SPAM" in a direct or indirect way, Global Net Studio takes no responsibility on any damage that might occur to the IP or to the domain name of the customer.

5.19 - As a security measure to the customer, our system limits all email accounts to send up to 80 messages per hour. This measure does not exclude any damage that might occur to the IP or to the domain name of the customer if an eventuality happens.

5.20 - If the customer wishes to raise the limit from 80 messages sent per hour up to 450 messages per hour, the customer must acquire a dedicated IP with a price of $150 USD per year, which will be assigned to the customer's domain name.

6.0 - Service Cancellation.

6.1 - The client can cancel his service the day he wants without charges, fines, interest or penalties within the working hours of Global Net Studio offices as long as his account does not present any outstanding balance or pending payment.

6.2 - The customer upon cancellation, cannot request any type of refund.

6.3 - In order to initiate the service cancellation process, you must: (1) send an email requesting it to your account executive and (2) have no outstanding debts to the service account.

6.4 - Once the client receives the confirmation of the cancellation of the service by email from Global Net Studio, it is affirmed and acknowledged that the service offered by Global Net Studio has been completely finalized so the website and Emails will stop being online on the internet.

6.5 – The finalization and termination of the service does not exempt the customer responsability from certain terms and conditions of use in which the customer must comply with.

6.6 -The service cannot be cancelled separately, both the website and emails are linked to the same plan. In case of cancelling one, both services will be cancelled.

6.7 - The customer may cancel the request for cancellation of the service as long as Global Net Studio's confirmation has not been received which confirms the termination of the service.

6.8 - It will be cancelled and finished the service in a complete and automatic form in the following cases:

6.8.1 - When the client has let ten weeks pass without having made his monthly payment.

6.8.2 - When the client uploads any illegal, prohibited, racist, offensive or defamatory content on his website and does not want to remove it for any reason.

6.8.3 - When the customer does not strictly follow these policies and terms of use.

6.9 - The content and material of the website (codes, design, images, text, etc.) may be withdrawn by the client from our servers to change it from server to another provider in case he wants  it after being 36 months with the service active as long as the redesign of the website has not been carried out. If the web page has been redesigned, it begins again with the contracting period (36 months) or with a payment in a single exhibition for the difference of the remaining time.

6.10 - In case of cancelling the service completely and wanting a renovation, the person interested will have to re cover the monthly amount or Hosting payment depending on the plan.

6.11 - The domain is solely and exclusively of the client. Global Net Studio absorbs the annual cost of the domain as long as the customer maintains its active service. In case of cancellation of the service, the cost of the domain must be covered by the client while he wishes to remain as a holder. In case of not paying the annual renewal of the domain with its administrative provider, the client will lose the ownership of this domain, letting  it for public use.

6.12 - In case of renewing the service and wanting to keep the same website published before the cancellation, it will be republished within a period of 24 business hours.

6.13 - In case of cancelling the service and then renewing it and wanting to acquire a new website with a new design, it may only be possible if before the cancellation a 18 month contract time was completed with an active service.

7.0 – Privacy of the information

7.1 - Global Net Studio stores all the information provided by his customers: personal information, general information, features, website and emails in a confidential and secure way on their servers using an encryption system. This information can only be managed by our administrative team for quality and promotional purposes in the service, it cannot be provided to third parties under any reason.

7.2 -If the client authorizes Global Net Studio to publish their contact information together with their comment on the service received, it will be published in the "Testimonials" section of our website (www.globalnetstudio.com).

7.3 - Global Net Studio recognizes that by virtue of its contractual relationship with the customer, could have access to information and materials related to business plans, technologies, ideas, computer systems, or strategies of great value to the client. Therefore we compromise to not use this information for our own benefit or non authorized third parties benefits.

7.4 - All information provided by the client regarding to the main purpose of the development of the website and the email service will be treated with strict confidentiality by each of our areas.

7.5 - To view our privacy notice, visit: www.globalnetstudio.com/privacy/

8.0 - Limitation of responsabilities

8.1 - Global Net Studio takes no responsability for the use of the client's domain, web page, emails, as well as the negotiations, deals, purchases and contracts that it can generate with other third parties through its web page or emails.

8.2 - In order to start developing the design proposals, it is necessary for the client to provide his logo or to indicate that some logo proposals may be presented in case he does not have one.

8.3 - It is the client's obligation to keep in mind the cut-off date of his monthly payments in order to make them before his payment deadline, to avoid the suspension of service and the generation for charges of 30% of the amount of the monthly payment for the reactivation of the same.

8.4 - Under any circumstances will Global Net Studio, its officers, directors, employees, agents and third-party service providers be responsible to you or any other person or entity for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages of any kind, Including any that may result from (1) the accuracy, integrity or content of our site, (2) the accuracy, integrity or content of any site developed by us for our customers, (3) personal or property injury of any nature (4) conduct of third parties of any nature, (5) any unauthorized access or use of our servers and / or any personal, financial content and other information or data stored in (6) any interruption or termination of services, (7) any viruses, worms, programming errors, trojan horses or similar that could be transmitted to the client through e-mails, (8) any directly or indirectly loss or damage Reversible or irreversible of any kind to your web page.

8.5 - The client acknowledges, agrees and accepts that under any circumstances will Global Net Studio's total responsability exceed the total amount paid by the customer of the particular services that are object of the legal action.

8.6 - The client agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and totally exempt all responsability to Global Net Studio and its officers, directors, employees, agents and service providers from and against all claims, demands, costs, expenses, losses, debts and damages of any kind and nature (including but not limiting the reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred by Global Net Studio directly or indirectly arising out of (1) your use and access to our site or services (2) your breach of any of the provisions of this "Agreement" or the policies or contracts that are incorporated in the present , (3) your violation of any third right; Including but not limiting to any intellectual property right or other proprietary right. These obligations will survive any rescission of this "Agreement".

8.7 - It is the client's obligation - exemptying Global Net Studio from all obligations and responsabilities - to comply with each legal term established in "CAN-SPAM Act" when sending or receiving any kind of electronic message with any purpose of their own.

8.8 - Global Net Studio - exemptying the client from all obligations and responsabilities - complies with each legal term established in "CAN-SPAM Act" when sending or receiving any kind of electronic message with any purpose of our own.

9.0 – Copyright and registrations

9.1 - Global Net Studio reserves all copyrights and ownership rights of the website  (www.globalnetstudio.com). It is strictly forbidden its partial or total reproduction without the authorization and consent of both instances.

9.2 - All registered local or universal domains that link to and lead to our official website (www.globalnetstudio.com) are solely and exclusively of Global Net Studio.

9.3 - At the bottom of the client Web page, a copyright and a registry creation legend "Development by Global Net Studio" will be displayed.

9.4 - In case the client wishes to remove this legend, he must cover the cost of the copyright and registry creation.